Hola, sóc Francesc Xavier Martínez XAVI PEU 1Sànchez-gil, Xavi o Javi pels amics, nascut a Alberic en 1976 en el mes de les flors i criat a la Troneta, vaig passar la meua infància jugant entre el clot, l’escorredor, la séquia d’Alzira i el Xúquer. Vaig estudiar l’EGB al Rafael Comenge i la FP al Consuelo Aranda. Fill de treballadors, el germà major de tres, net de represaliat pel franquisme (el pare de ma mare pertanyia al PC), mon pare, Francisco Martínez Barberà (fill d’Ines la Botifarra) i la meua mare Maria Antonia Sànchez-gil Quesada (filla de José Antonio, el “casero” de la Finca de Ferrà), pels que sent gran admiració i devoció, m’educaren en el respecte als altres i la defensa dels nostres drets com a ciutadans. Han estat tota la vida renyint per tirar endavant als seus tres fills.

Els meus dos germans, Tonyo (Tronetero i colombaire) i Juanvi (amb qui comparteix l’afició per la pesca).

Casat amb Alba (treballa al Mercadona) i amb dues filles: Àngels i Roser.

Quan no estic treballant aprofite el poc temps que em queda en la família i els amics, fent bicicleta de muntanya, practicant Hapkido (art marcial coreana) i pescant, m’ agrada llegir, i jugar als videojocs, sóc amant del meu poble i del meu País, de les seues tradicions i cultura, i em poden les injustícies. Actualment i des de fa 16 anys, treballe en una empresa d’automatismes electrònics d’Alzira (Alzimàtic).

Si algú vol saber més de mi, només en te que preguntar.


Hello. My name is Francesc Xavier Martínez Sánchez-gil, Xavi or Javi for my friends. I was born in Alberic in 1976 during Mai and brought up in Troneta. I spent most of my youth playing between the “el clot” and “l’escorredor” canals in Alzira and Jücar. My primary education was spent in Rafael Comenge public school in Alberic, and my secondary education in the Instituto Público de Secundaria and Formación Profesional Consuelo Aranda, both also located in Alberic.

Son of working class parents, eldest of three, my grandfather was a victim of the Franco regime (my mother’s father belonged to the Communist Party). My father is Francisco Martínez Barberá (son of Ines the “Butifarra”) and my mother María Antonia Sánchez-gil Quesada (daughter of José Antonio, the “casero” of the “Ferrà” Finca). They educated me to show respect towards others and the defense of our civic rights. They always put us first, wishing us to have the best in life. For those reason, amongst other, I have a great deal of admiration of them and feel devotion and gratitude towards them.

My two brothers are called “Tonyo” (Tronetero and “colombaire”) and Juanvi (with whom I share the same passion for fishing). I am married to Alba (who works in Mercadona) and we have two daughters, Ángels and Roser.

When I am not working, I spend the little free time I have with my family and friends. I enjoy mountain-biking, Hapkido (Korean maritial art) and fishing. I also like reading and playing videogames. I am truly in love with my village and my country, her traditions and cultures, despite the many injustices. I have been working now for 16 years in a company specialised in the production of automatic electronic equipment in Alzira (Alzimàtic).

If you wish to find out more about me, you only need to ask. I would be happy to answer your questions.